Brutality, Lethality, Mortality


Lethality. Brutality. Mortality.


Our roots are in Sugar Foot Foam, starting six years ago in 2016. Sugar Foot then rebranded to Sweet Feet, and now we’re here as Grim Isle Arsenal! Our gear has changed over the years, and so have the builders, but the soul remains. We believe in making available safe equipment, professionally built, for both the veteran and new fighter. We aim to give back to the community by supporting local realms and keeping the entry cost to Foam Fighting low so everyone has a chance to play.



Christopher Halberg/ Angoroth Holmsgrimmur

I’ve been a part of foam fighting since 2011, my first practices being with the Dagorhir realm at the University of Toledo. I started off with making my own gear, going to build nights and learning the ropes. I quickly started making weapons for friends at practice.

I’ve come a long way from the days of PVC and camp foam. Now with factory sourced foams and cores and build with eleven years of experience.